Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Nasty Attack on Creationism


I'm going to ask you a very very simple question. Do you think the universe and its entire beauty was created in six days? Do you honestly think that all the black holes, supernovas, meteors, comets, suns, planets, moons, and cosmic bodies in our universe was created in six days? Do you sincerely think that the earth with its rain forests, oceans, savannas, deserts, mountains, plains, and beaches, and the myriad of creatures that inhabit in these environments, ranging from the bacteria to the mighty elephant, was created in six days?

Well if you're like the fuckheads in Answer in Genesis or that piece of shite, VenomFangX, then the answer is yes. A supernatural being came to an empty void and started sprouting out planets and solar systems and suns and animals and plants and worlds in one hell of a busy week. Does anyone see something wrong with that?
I do. For one, where did that empty void come from? If you believe what you say you believe, which is something must come from something else, then you must have an explanation for that empty void. Now I may be wrong by calling the space our universe occupies an empty void, but the point still stands. Where did it come from?

Second, the supernatural being whom you idiots call God. For one, it could be the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Or a cosmic idiot who had one too many to drink. Or the Invisible Pink Unicorn. Or little mice trying to think of the question to Life, Universe, and Everything. It doesn't exactly have to be a god. But ok, let's assume it is God. Where the fucking hell did he come from? Really, where did he come from? Did he just came from nowhere? Or did a greater god created him? Or what? What exactly happened six thousand years ago, as you Young Earth creationist never get tired of reminding us. You idiots say we didn't observe evolution take place, thus evolution never happened. Well, here's my question. Have you observed creationism take place? Have you seen God forming light and darkness and all that bollocks that you say happened in your Bible?

Ok so God didn't create the Earth or the universe. So who did? Well, the thing is, we've only emerged from the Dark Ages 500 years ago. I know you'll say that's a long time. Well considering the world is 4.6 billion years old, in that perspective, 500 years is rather short. The theory of natural selection was formed less than one hundred fifty years ago. It will take some time before we discover the origins of the earth.

Now, I'm going to love this, you're going to ask why is natural selection usually accepted and not creationism. Well, you poor sheltered people, it's because natural selection has been proved time and time again that it has happened, it happens, and will happen in the years to come unless something major happens which causes natual selection to fail. On the other hand, creationism has no proof whatsoever except that rather ancient and outdated book you call the Bible. While in any day or time natural selection can disproved by substantial evidence, as of the time I'm writing this, it has not. And when it does, though I do not speak for all evolutionists, I for one will reconsider it. Meanwhile proponents of creationism think that God created the world in six days and will continue to think that until the world crashes and burns. So, while I think you lot are allowed to think what you want to think, please for crying out loud, don't call it science and teach children that. Thank you and have a very nice day


Melissa said...

Thankyou for reviving those brain cells that have been killed by those fuckheads. I just don't understand how anyone can believe in that shit unless they're extremely gullible. Seriously... they don't believe in natural selection, and yet they believe that a man turned water into wine?

Maria Bee said...

"Have you observed creationism take place? Have you seen God forming light and darkness and all that bollocks that you say happened in your Bible?"

I dont wholy agree wiht the bible, and more of a firm believer that it was more of a natural selection thing, but that God caused it to happened, not too down with the Adam and Eve "then there was light" theory.
But i dont think thats a valid statement i mean...where you there to watch natural selection evolve? Where you there to say that God didn't do it?